* Can you spare one Saturday evening every six weeks? *

* Do you enjoy socializing with friends, neighbors, and visitors all under one roof? *

* Can you yell out numbers and letters really loud? *

* Do your friends tell you that you belong onstage? *

* Can you divide thirty by twelve? *

If you can answer "yes" to the first four questions,
and are intrigued by the fifth one, 
Bingo Night at the firehouse could be your night to shine!

Saturday night Bingo is a primary source of funding for NewBrook Fire and Rescue, and is a fun night out as well. Keeping Bingo Night fully staffed with people to sell admissions, rip tickets and other extras and call back numbers is vital to keeping these nights operating.  And for budding stars, new callers are always welcome to take the microphone.

 To help keep Bingo operating and to have a swell time too,
contact Win Clark at 802-365-7842 or email


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